The Shasta Story - A Proud Heritage

In 1941, when Californian Robert Gray built the first Shasta “house trailer” to be used as mobile military housing, he had no idea his homes on wheels would play a major role in establishing a billion-dollar industry. Or that the little trailers would spark wanderlust in Americans that would carry them across the miles and into the next century. Shasta was, and remains, an important player in the ultimate American Dream; the freedom and desire to roam, explore and enjoy well earned leisure time with the people we love.
In the 1950s and 60s, the toaster-on-wheels look of the original Shasta trailer was the most recognizable shape on the road. There were other RV brands, but only Shasta was distinguished by those wings that signified flight and freedom. Through the 1960s and 70s, RVs became bigger and better, America’s burgeoning highway system evolved into interstates, and the wanderlust grew ever stronger. In the 80s and 90s, RVs continued to evolve into safer, more sophisticated homes away from home, with more features and greater comfort than ever.
Today, 70 years and three generations of Shasta owners later, Americans have the desire to travel like never before. Motivated by the rediscovery of our families and renewal of ourselves, we still respond to the call of the road.